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Entire course at AAAAI 2013 dedicated to Samter’s Triad!


On February 22, 2013, at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology in San Antonio TX, there was an entire day-long course dedicated to teaching and learning about AERD/Samter’s Triad! This is the first such extensive gathering of AERD/Samter’s Triad experts from around the world. The morning session was dedicated to Clinical/Pathological Observations and included speakers from Scripps Clinic in CA, Northwestern University in IL, Poland, and the UK. The afternoon session was titled Basic Mechanisms of AERD: From Mouse to Man to Novel Treatment and included speakers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in MA, Korea, and Sweden.
The team of researchers and doctors reviewed what is understood about the disease thus far, and highlighted how much we have yet to learn. The audience consisted largely of practicing allergists and other physicians who treat patients with AERD/Samter’s Triad, and overall the day conveyed a mood of enthusiasm and renewed interest in improving our diagnoses and treatments for this disease. Ongoing clinical trials around the world for patients with AERD/Samter’s Triad were also reviewed.

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