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A 1-Day, 90-Minute Aspirin Challenge and Desensitization Protocol in Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease

In this study, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital demonstrated the feasibility and safety of a 1-day aspirin desensitization procedure. Desensitization remains the standard of treatment for patients with AERD but it has historically been time consuming—sometimes taking 2 to 3 days to complete. DeGregorio et al. showed that 41 patients successfully completed aspirin desensitization using the 1-day protocol. The protocol entails a 40.5 mg oral aspirin starting dose, 90 minute escalation time, and tolerating both a repeated provocative dose and at least 1 subsequent aspirin dose after reaction.

On average, the entire protocol was completed in 9.5 hours which was less time other popular aspirin desensitization protocols.  Although the study only included participants with a baseline FEV1 greater  than or equal to 70%, patients with a FEV1 less than 70% have been successfully desensitized using this protocol, suggesting that it can be used for patients at higher risk.

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