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The Role of Biologics in Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps

Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a common and heterogeneous inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract. Advances in our understanding of the immune mechanisms that drive the chronic respiratory inflammation that underlies CRSwNP have led to the generation of several targeted biologic therapies for this disease. However, the optimal evaluation and treatment strategy, including judicious use of systemic corticosteroids, allergen testing, proper surgical approach, appropriateness of antibiotics, and administration of newly approved biologics, is still hotly debated. Here we provide expert opinion and points of view from both allergists and rhinologists who specialize in CRSwNP, and the evaluation and management perspectives offered here are a consensus between the authors. Special consideration is given to patients with AERD, as they are a unique phenotype who often have the most severe disease symptoms. Read here.

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